2020 - End of the world?
End of the world is a Sci-Fi thriller Alien based web series created originally by Dushyant Kapoor and written by Prashant Raj. The movie was shot fully in lockdown 2020 and appreciated worldwide. The film explores how the year 2020 will be shaped by human activity. The short film depicts the characters' efforts to defend themselves and the planet from an alien invasion. The Hindi thriller 2020 End of the World is now available to watch for free on MX player & YouTube.
On MX Player, find out everything you need to know about the 2020 End of the World Short Film Cast, Trailer, and Video. Given humanity's current state, practically everyone wonders if the year 2020 could be any worse. If there is anything left to happen to the globe after the worldwide epidemic, deadly cyclones, locust attacks, major earthquakes, and other natural disasters, it would be alien evasion.