The much-anticipated trailer for Arjuna, directed by Rajat Singh and starring Mohit Bargali, has just launched on the DK Films YouTube channel! This sci-fi fantasy film, laced with the signature touch of DK Films' founder, Dushyant Kapoor, dives into the story of Arjuna's legendary weapon, the Gandeev, from the Mahabharata, blending mythological inspiration with a futuristic twist. Fans are already expressing excitement, and the trailer has garnered an outpouring of love on social media.
Rajat Singh, who has been meticulously working on Arjuna for over a year, last collaborated with Mohit Bargali on the well-received horror drama Pizza (Khao or Bhul Jao), which impressed audiences with its unique take. This new venture promises to deliver a fresh narrative that’s both thrilling and visually captivating.
Arjuna is set for release on November 2 on DK Films' official YouTube channel. Don’t miss this intriguing journey into an ancient weapon’s story in a modern sci-fi fantasy setting.
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